Sunday, October 18, 2009

Today I finished the first chapter of my book. Writing about my own journey in life has been emotional and rewarding all at once. I have 13 chapter headings ready to go.. now I just have to write.

Making a habit to write every day is now a non negotiable. I have a deadline of October 2010 to finish and have it printed.

Myles Munroe from the Bahamas inspired me to write the book and from there it has taken more than a year for me to get my act together and start. Writing a book is not the easiest thing to do but with a bit of determination I can see it coming to fruition!

If you believe you can, You Can!

Some one once told me that it is very difficult to write a book so I never tried until one day I plucked up the courage and said NO I can write a book and I will put the hard work to achieve it.

Hope you will enjoy the journey with me and I look forward to seeing the book developed with people I correspond with.

Grant Prodger
Overcomer of ADHD